
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Arts and craft fun!

Mom and Dad thought it would be fun to do an art project with the trio today, OK mostly Mom but Dad ended up having fun too. It was fun, messy and had the usual melt down when the fun was over, but it was fun. We busted out paints and paintbrushes and tried to make one of the craft ideas from this awesome blog
It went pretty well, the kids aren't really ready for specific craft projects yet but they had fun painting randomly while I did the project.
Pics of the painting fun!
The supplies...
Getting started.
Starting to get messy.
After about an hour we switched to crayons LOL.
Checking out our finished project :)

Hayden has been a bit of a pill lately, man her mood swings can rival my own and I am 8 months pregnant! She did do something sweet today though. At lunch, I was being lazy and fed them in the living room (shame on me) Hayden started walking spoonfuls of mac & cheese (without spilling thankfully) across the room to give Xander and Lily bites. It was really cute, she would say 'brother bite' or 'Lily's bite,' and if someone left a noodle on the spoon after taking their bite she even made them take the bite again to get all of it LOL.

I hit 32 weeks today...never mind the missing head, today was a no make up, looking like hell kind of day LOL.

1 comment:

  1. yay for 32 weeks!
    Good job with the arts and crafts! I think that blog is amazing! I hadn't tried any of her crafts yet but now i'm inspired to do that one with Hazel... I can't believe your trio sat for over an hour doing it! Hazel does well but Im not sure she'd last THAT long...
