
Monday, November 15, 2010

Been M.I.A

The kids are trying to get over another little cold, my house has sounded like a wing of a hospital for almost 2 weeks now. I think we are nearing the end, just a persistent cough hanging on. Thankfully Jason and I managed to not catch it this time, but I feel fatigue sneaking back up on me, so after dealing with sick kids all day all I want to do is NOTHING. At the worst of it Lily spiked a 103 fever and for the first time since they were itty bitty she slept in bed with me. Jason was working thankfully, because it seems she is quite the bed hog. When he got home the next morning he told me she was laying sideways across his side and half of mine, I guess I was curled in a little ball on the very edge of my side LOL.

There has been some funny stuff going on though. The other day at lunch Lily was using a french fry dipped in her ketchup to 'paint' on her plate. She would swirl it around and say 'Momma, cow', then she dipped the fry back in the ketchup and did it again this time she said 'dog' then 'cat' then 'horse.' I made a big fuss over her master pieces, even though they in no way resembled the animals she was calling out LOL. The fun caught Hayden's attention so she too started painting on her plate. Xander just watched, he had already eaten all his paint brushes :) I think we need to do another art project!

The trio are now in size 6 Hayden has started to say 'excuse you' to anyone who burps or makes any other body noises. It is so funny, she says 'excuse you brother' a LOT...he is a big burper hehehe.

I hit 33 weeks yesterday, I am now 2 weeks farther than I made it with the trio! At my Doc. appt. today Jericho's hb was in the mid 140's and he was doing great. I have gained 29 lbs, and my BP was up a bit...but other than that it went well. I go in on 12/3 for an ultrasound, cervix check and GBS test...should be a fun appt LOL.

In other cool news Jason and I got tickets to the Cirque du soleil Michael Jackson show they are doing next year, my brother Scott and his wife are going to go with us. It's hard to plan for sure 1 year in advance but the tickets were already almost sold out so we had to take the chance.
Some pics from today.
The girls were having fun wearing their slippers today, they didn't want to take them off LOL.

Their little sister bond has really been getting stronger, they are so adorable!
Xander was not feeling up to pictures today.


  1. Hey, Girl! I was thinking of you today watching a Baby Story! I was wondering how you are feeling and how different this pg is than with the trio? Hope you are all better soon. We sure went thru a rough october! Happy Thanksgiving! Hope to see you at MNO!

  2. Thanks Angela! I tell ya this pregnancy has been a breeze compared to the triplets. I would do it again :)
    How are you and the kiddos doing? I hope I can make it to a MNO soon too. WOuld be great to see y'all!
