
Friday, November 19, 2010

Did you know?

The most exciting things in life are ponytails, slippers and new must be, at least for my 2 year olds LOL.
Lily is still on this ponytail kick, every day she asks, read whines, for one. At nap time when we take it out she has a cow, and the first thing out of her mouth after nap is 'my ponytail.' One good thing is coming out of this, Lily being all about her pony's is making Hayden a bit more interested in ponytails and she has started letting us do one with her hair more.
Now on to the slippers, the girls were given these cute pink slippers and they love them, they ask to wear them almost every day. It's been a nice break from them asking for 'socks and shoes' all the time. With it raining like crazy now we haven't been taking them out a whole lot so this new slipper craze is helping keep their minds off going out...a bit. Poor Xander doesn't have any slippers, thankfully he is not competitive with the girls over stuff like ponytails and slippers. I do think he will be getting some for Christmas though, not that he would actually leave them on his feet :)
We got the trio some new toothbrushes, they are the kind that have batteries and spin. More importantly they are Dora and Diego toothbrushes. We put them in the bathroom but didn't show them to the kids right away. I went in to use the restroom and Hayden came busting in, she started chatting me up and then went silent. I looked over at her and saw she was staring hard at the sink. I look at the sink and from my angle all I see is Jason's shaving gel can, I look back at Hayden and think to myself what is so cool about a can of shaving gel. Then she moves closer to the sink, she places her little hands on it and raises up on her tippitoes. Next thing I know she is pointing and screaming DORAAAA hahaha. She didn't stop talking about brushing her teeth for an hour. When we gave them their new brushes to brush with they were not quite sure what to think of the spinning action, Xander was borderline afraid of his. They didn't do a very good job of brushing but I think once they get more used to them it will go better. And of course because they are new and cool we are back to having melt downs when it's time to put them away...that too should stop soon.

Ever see kids so excited to brush their teeth? LOL

All done with bath time, the girls are happy in their slippers sporting their pony's.

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