
Sunday, November 21, 2010

More painting fun!

We did another fun painting craft today. The kids did a great job, they even painted many of the popsicle sticks themselves! They still had a joyous melt down when the craft was done but it was shorter than the last time LOL.

They remembered 'painting' and were really excited when we started breaking everything out.

They all did so great painting their sticks!
Almost done...Lily moved on to crayons.

The finished product!

Lily has a new funny thing she is doing, after eating a meal or snack she will rub her stomach and say "yummy yummy in my tummy." It is really funny, I was trying to get some video of her doing it but she was not working with me at all LOL. I did get this one of the girls kissing their baby brother awww. *trouble uploading tonight, will try again tomorrow*
Hayden really did it today, I know she is a Daddy's girl and all but today she wanted nothing at all from me all day. Including me pushing her chair up to the table at dinner, she actually told me "no, Daddy help" ouch.

I am 34 weeks pregnant today, yikes these pics make me look huge! Baby boy is doing well, lots of movement and he has the hiccups ALL THE TIME!

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