
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is that the hair style you wanted?

Lily has now fallen in love with her first pig tails, she is for sure our girly girl. She was in such a happy mood I just had to take some pictures, just look at those cute Bug smiles! They were all ready for bed and sporting their duct tape safety's too dang cold to be taking your clothes off during the night. It's supposed to be in the 30's and 40's this week...and that's the highs, lows in the teens and 20's LOL.

Hayden was happy too...happy Lily has taken all the hair fun for her. Though we still try to get her to let us do something every now and then.

Sweet boy.

Looks as though I have found a doula team to help support me and Jason during my hopeful VBAC. I can't wait to meet them and go over birth plans, it's getting close, 5 weeks or less...eeekkkk!!!


  1. LOVE that the ponies! Also LMAO that you have to duct tape your trios pjs on! too funny...
    Good luck with your VBAC mama! My MIL did it way back when they used to really frown on them... She had an emergency c-section after being in a car accident with kid #2 (who was fine) and then VBAC'd her 3rd baby... Great that you have a doula team helping though! 5 weeks?! WoW!!

  2. Hmm, duct tape. Now there's a thought. Friend of mine told me how she took removed the feet from her son's footy PJ's and stitched them on backwards - putting the zipper down the back.

    Duct tape seems much easier.

  3. Thanks guys!
    Thank goodness your MIL and her baby were fine, that is scary.

    Yeah Krista, I think Duct tape is easier...and it's worked well for us :)
