
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fun with family.

Uncle Scott and Auntie Amber came over for dinner and 3 or 4 hours of play time today. Jason made a yummy dinner and the triplets had so much fun playing with their Aunt and Uncle. They sure kept everyone entertained!

All of a sudden the Bumbo was a big hit today, it's so funny how things come in and out of favor.

Hmmm I think they are too big for the Bumbo. Some 6mo old blast from the past pics!

Lily still rocking the pony...every day LOL.

Fun with their Uncle and Auntie! The girls even got Amber in on a little ring around the rosie, and Uncle Scott did a little hokey pokey too. Playing some B-ball and catch were hits tonight, Hayden is getting pretty good at catching a ball.

I met with my doula and her back up/partner today. They are really nice ladies and I think we totally clicked. They seem to be really go with the flow and not pushy at all about anything. Which I guess is just how a doula should be :) We spent 2 hours chatting about all kinds of stuff and I am really looking forward to having one of them with me. I already feel a little less scared about giving birth vaginally, though even if I end up with a Csection I know she will be very valuable. I can't believe November is's baby month YIKES!

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