
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's December!!!

No snow yet, lots of rain though of course. We haven't started decorating yet, and have decided on no big tree this year...I am sure if we put one up it would go about as well as last year so we will just wait one more year.

I can not believe I have 30 days or less until this baby is here...yikes. Lily was making me laugh today, the kids always lift my shirt to talk to or kiss baby brother, today she happened to notice a little mole I have on my side. So for the rest of the day she was lifting my shirt to "press the button" LMAO!

The poor little dear has been having a sensitive issue for the last couple of days. Lily has always been a girl that likes her privacy when it comes to going #2, she usually runs down the hall or hides in a corner out of sight. It's gotten worse and now she doesn't want to go at all, so her trying to hold it...sometimes for 2 or 3 days. I am sure you can imaging how unpleasant it is for her when she can not hold it anymore, but now that she has pretty much constipated herself by holding she then wants to hold it more because it hurts to go. She has gotten herself into a little vicious cycle. Yesterday and today she has been telling us "I'm not going to poop anymore" and she hasn't for almost 4 days. Thankfully miralax is tasteless and the Pedi OK'd it, they said this whole poop holding thing is pretty common in 2 year olds. Hopefully it works in the next day or two or I am going to get really worried, she is so unhappy and uncomfortable...poor baby.

We had our Little Gym class tonight, Lily was pretty chill...understandably, but Hayden and Xander had a lot of fun. Jason had his friend Tim come with 2 year old Aiden to try class out, it was fun watching him play on all the equipment for the first time.


  1. Poor Lilybug! Hazel has been dealing with the same thing and we're doing Miralax too... Another thing I'm doing is making her a smoothie everyday... I vary it but yesterday I did frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries, some frozen cauliflower (you might say ewww but you can't taste it and its a good way to sneak in a veggie), some pureed prunes (baby food jarred stuff) and some kind of juice (yesterday used Apple Harvest Fruitables)... Tastes yummy and gets the prunes in :)
    Hope L feels better soon!

  2. Poor Hazel...hope she is feeling better soon too. Great idea on the smoothie...thanks!
