
Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve!!!

First I have to say thank you to everyone for the good food, great company and amazing generosity. My kids are so fortunate to have such a loving family, they really enjoyed themselves opening all their fabulous gifts! It was a full house this year at Grandmas, the regulars were all in attendance...Grandma, Pop Pop Randy, Grandpa, Auntie Stacie and Uncle Chris, Great Grandpa Frank and the wonderful Miss Betty, Great Uncles Steve and Ron, Great Aunt Julie and the 2nd cousins Evan, Boston and Brock. Some of my family made it out this year too, Uncle Rick and Auntie Tia and their boys Tyler and Brandon, and Uncle Scott and Auntie Amber. You add the 5 of us and it was a packed show! The food was yummy, the kids were too excited to eat too much but they did a decent job. They tore into their gifts this year, opening everything pretty much by themselves. They would smile and squeal about this or that, holding it up showing it off and otherwise showing their great pleasure in the taste of those who made these wonderful purchases on their behalf LOL. 5 hours later we were all pooped and ready to head home, they missed their normal bed time by about an hour but went down pretty easy.

Lots of pics to share....

The trio loved the Christmas tree, our little glass one just doesn't compare LOL. By the end of the night the girls were decorating the tree with bows and string that came off the wrapped gifts. Oakley (the G and Sakari pup that Stacie kept) had fun too, that dog has gotten huge.
Xander was playing run away from the dog for a bit.
It was Hayden's turn to start out shy this time...didn't take too long and she was dancing and hopping about.
Yummy...dinner time!
Then we got to the kids favorite opening!
The trio did a great job tearing into everything...they were even nice enough to open some gifts that were not theirs Hahaha.

I liked these Tee's the girls got..."Perfect just like mommy" oh so true :)
Grandma got Lily some Tinkerbell clothes, we told her to put those gifts toward the end of the line. We knew this would happen LOL.
We had to bribe her with Tinkerbell PJ's to get her out of it.
This GI Joe is pretty cool. Xander was scared of it at first, even Oakley wasn't too sure about it Hahaha. Lily came over and played with it so Xander had to chill or else look like a wuss in front of his sister :)
My awesome new hat and candles from Evan!

Jason and his Dad...darn mirror flash.

The trio gave this to Great Grandpa is 252 pieces, hope they have fun with it! Auntie Stacie got a photo mug, the Uncles got photo magnets. The Grandparents were supposed to get photo calendars but they haven't showed up yet, so their gifts are going to be late.

We gave this Tee to Tyler...he got a kick out of it.

Some of the haul!!!

Jericho even scored some new threads and books!
Thanks rock!

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