
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010!!!

We had a quiet, well not so quiet, day at home today. The trio we actually pretty rowdy and full of attitude today, fighting over everything and not wanting to comply with anything. I hope this just Christmas and new toy over excitement and it passes soon, because they were really trying today. They opened the last of their gifts and got to play with everything they got over the last two days. The only gift they got that they will not be opening yet is a swing set for our back yard...can't wait for summer, the kids are going to love it!!!

Some pics of our Christmas :)
Our breakfast tradition, started last year, of chocolate chip pancakes with whip cream smiley faces...yummy!
Enjoying their new toys!
The baby dolls were a HUGE hit with Lily and Xander. Lily especially was so into them, didn't put hers down voluntarily ALL DAY.

Their new easel's...they enjoyed coloring some pages from their new coloring books.

Very happy that is looks like we will NOT be having a Christmas baby, though I am ready and it wouldn't be the end of the world at all just not the day I would pick LOL.

We hope everyone had a Happy Holiday!!!

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