
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Decorations up.

We did a little decorating today, we were not in a hurry this year and are not putting up a tree or over doing it but we got a few things out. The kids love looking at the lights and are so excited for Christmas, and Santa. Lily especially is ready for it to be Christmas, like yesterday, she can't wait to open presents and wear her pretty dress. We have most everything wrapped and ready, and I can't wait either. I have been a bah humbuger for many years but the kids excitement has really got me into Christmas again :)
The decorations!
All of the trios Christmas crafts :)
Our tree this year hahaha.

We forgot that our Little Gym class was not going on tonight so when we got there and it was dark we had to find some other indoor entertainment. At 6:30pm there is not much out there so we just hit up the play area at McDonalds. Xander actually got up in the tubes, he was gone for quite a while so we had to ask another older kid to go get him LOL. They had about an hour of fun before some wild and much older kids showed up. They almost knocked Hayden and Lily down a few times. Lily ended up over near me, about to crawl in my lap to get away from the rowdy kids, she looks at me with a worried look and said "Momma what are we gonna do" LOL I just told her we are not going to get run over baby that's what, and we headed home :)
Jason just showed Xander where to climb in at and off he went.
He kept coming to the bubble windows and waving down at us with a huge smile. You can see him if you look close in the small bubble on the middle left.

The girls were happy to just hang near the entrances...they are not quite as adventurous as Xander yet.

I had my last Doc. appt. today too, some good and not so good news. The not so good news is I am still, for the 3rd week in a row, at 2cm. The good news is I am a lot softer and baby has come down. They stripped my membranes again, and said it could be anytime so be prepared. The really good news is they OK'd doing an induction with some Pitocin on the 30th, if I have not had him by then! If the induction doesn't work then we will go ahead with my scheduled Csection on the 31st. So we are down to about a week, or less, and Jericho will be here!!!

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