
Sunday, December 19, 2010

It snowed at our house today!

Yay for some snow!!! We didn't go out and play in it but it did give us a nudge to do a Snowman craft after dinner. The trio did really well, we used beans and cotton balls and paint, they had so much fun. Too bad they still are not happy campers when it comes time to put things away...when will the melt downs when something fun is over end?!?!

They did a little coloring while we were getting the craft supplies ready. You can see while Xander didn't have an issue, we were not able to talk the girls out of their new PJ's today :)
Painting the snowman noses.
On to painting some bells...they didn't want to use silver Hahaha.
On to the glue...the bean buttons. This was the kids first time using glue, took a min to teach them you don't paint in it you just leave the bits there to dry.

Making the bean hats.

The kiddos doing some of the cotton ball work.

The finished products drying.
Everyone wanted to sit on Daddy at once :)

I hit 38 weeks pregnant today...full term and baby boy can feel free to show up at anytime now! PLEASE Hahaha! I am feeling at the end of my rope these days, I am tired but having such a hard time sleeping. My clothes are just about at the end of their rope too, you know you are coming to the end when even your maternity shirts don't quite keep the whole belly covered LOL.
Me at 4 weeks vs 38 weeks...I think I see where the extra 36lbs have gone :)


  1. LOVE the belly pics! So amazing that the time went by so fast (for those of us not preggers! lol)....
    I think I might attempt that craft at some point... Not sure if I'll get to it before Christmas but did the trio glue all the cotton balls and beans themselves? Hazel often gets bored with gluing! lol

  2. Thanks!

    We put the glue on the hat and the 2nd body segment for the beans and the trio put the beans on. Jason and I did the beans on the face, we also glued on the noses but they painted them. As for the cotton balls we put glue on the 3rd body seg. and they added the cotton, Jason and I did the cotton on the face and 2nd body seg.
