
Saturday, December 18, 2010

This is why we don't take them shopping often.

We all headed out to do a little Christmas shopping tonight, we had a fun time but man our girls are already as bad as teenagers. We happened by some TinkerBell and Dora PJ's and Lily and Hayden went nuts. Xander does have his pluses...he is really not into clothes at all LOL, he couldn't have cared less and was looking at Hayden and Lily like what is wrong with you two. The girls started getting upset and just wouldn't let it go, so Jason...who wanted to cave anyway, gave in and gave the girls the PJ's. For the next 35min all we heard from them was "I got my TinkerBell" "I got my Dora" "Thank you Daddy" awwww :) It was so cute how in love with these PJ's they were.....until we got home. They wanted to wear them tonight of course, so I started the wash and asked the girls to help me put them in the washer...they had seriously not let them out of their hot little hands yet. I talked Hayden out of hers with minimal upset, Lily on the other hand ran from me and cried for a good 10 min when I put her PJ's in the wash. They were so happy to be reunited once the PJ's were washed and dried LOL.
Lily was so happy to get dressed and go bye she is in her "pretty princess" sweater. Everything is pretty princess this or pretty princess that when she wears it LOL.
This place didn't have any twin carts, so Hayden rode in the basket. We were totally "those parents" and had to keep telling her to sit down...thankfully she was good most of the time.
Back home and happy in their new PJ's.

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