
Friday, December 17, 2010

A little bummer from the Doctor.

My appt. today went OK, not what I hoped to hear but no bad news. I am about the same as I was last week. 2cm, 50% and -3 station, my BP was good and baby boys hb was 147. They stripped my membranes again, ouch that doesn't get easier. I got the feeling my Doc did not expect anything to happen any time soon. DH and I both got the sense that he thought I would end up with a CS on the 31st, which is OK. I am just ready :) Either way, 2 weeks or less!

Some Christmas gifts that we ordered for the trio and other family members have started rolling in! I love giving gifts, wish we had more money to get into the giving spirit even more.

Duct tape use #200...keeping the light switch from being turned off, I am tired of living in the dark. Miss light Queen Lily can't be bargained with. She can't be reasoned with. She doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And she absolutely will not stop...until every light in the house is turned off (a little Terminator anyone :) ) So Momma and Daddy fixed her little wagon, you should see the sad look and hear the little cute voice say "it's broken"...I almost feel bad, almost LOL.

No new pics today so I thought I would throw up a couple from Dec. a couple years ago.

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