
Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's getting brisk outside!

It was like 50 degrees out today, but the sun poked through for a little bit so we braved taking the kids to the park for about 30 or 40 min. They have missed their Little Gym class the last 2 weeks and were in serious need of some energy burning activity. It was pretty cold but they had fun and we really happy to get out.

I was having some mild contractions off and on all day, excited to see what kind of progress I am making at my Doctor's appt. tomorrow!

I have been feeling tired again, and have been napping most days when the trio go down for their naps. Today my super human hearing woke me up about an hour into the nap...I think this is another pregnancy gift, goes along with super human sense of smell and super human hunger LOL. Anyway, I swore I heard Xander unzipping his crib tent again, even though we now have started tying the zipper closed so he can't get it unzipped. If you read a few posts back about how he got his crib tent open and got himself into trouble you would understand why we did this. I get up and go in their room, the girls are passed out but Xander is still up and causing trouble...what else is new Hahaha. What I heard was not the crib tent zipper he was still safely contained in his crib. What was missing were his clothes and diaper...and what I saw made me have to stifle a laugh. He had thrown his clothes and diaper out of his crib and was peeing through his crib bars onto the floor LMAO. He is such a little stinker...he certainly keeps us on our toes!

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