
Monday, December 13, 2010

They love Santa...just not that much.

We had our 3rd visit with Santa today. Last year the trio freaked out on Santa, so this year we thought we would let them watch a lot of Santa movies and cartoons to gear up for the big guy. We thought it had worked, they love Santa...up until they had to sit on his lap. They did so great waiting in line, we even went without the choo choo so they just stood the 20 min or so we were waiting, they got to see Santa talking to the other kids and they were so happy and excited. Once we got our turn though nothing was going to get them to sit next to Santa, even just the kiddos sitting in the chair with Santa standing behind the chair. So this years Santa pic ended up being a family picture...can you tell Jason and I were not prepared for that LOL.
Getting ready to go see Santa...everyone was all smiles. Xan loved his Choo Choo sweater.
Miss Hayden didn't have a white tights that fit her so we had to stop at the store on our way.
Ahhh Princess Lily, she just thinks she is hot stuff.
My sister called just as we got back home. Her ringtone is Barbie Girl, Hayden and Lily bust out dancing every time she calls...they love that tune.

3 years of Santa pics!

Xander has been driving us nuts with his climbing....AGAIN. We broke down and took away most of his "step stools." He even has Lily following in his PITA footsteps, she has become the light Queen. Any light that we turn on she runs right behind us and turns it off, she then looks at us and says "I did it" with a huge smile.

Xander's toys on lockdown.

I am now 37 weeks...almost time! We bought our first pack of baby cute and tiny. Funny how you almost forget how tiny the trio were in their preemie diapers, they have come so far. Jason actually held each of them on the scale then deducted his weight. Our chunkers are now X- 37 1/2 lbs, H- 35 1/2 lbs and L- 32 lbs!

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