
Friday, December 10, 2010

Doctors appt. and a trip to OMSI.

36 weeks and 5 days along today, everything looked good at my Doctors appointment. I am 2 1/2cm dilated and they stripped my membranes, oh so fun let me tell you. Jericho's HB was at 138. My BP was a bit high again but nothing that they freaked over. I have my next appt. on Friday and they plan to strip me again if need be.

Jason grabbed all Xanders baby clothes so we can start getting them washed and ready, 3 weeks or less and Jericho will be needing them :)

After the appt. we decided to take the trio to OMSI. Grandma came with and we all had a lot of fun. None of us could stop talking about how each time we go they get better and so much more aware and really into the place. They are growing up.
Some fun at OMSI!

Hanging in the chipmunk tree.
Lily and Grandma playing with the air tubes and balls.

Everyone heads over.
Hayden was having fun putting her face over the air so it blew her hair, she kept doing it over and over LOL.
Lily and her sparse locks gave it a try.
Princess Lily trying on a "crown."
The kids enjoyed a little painting and play doh session.

Back home, Lily was having fun playing with Daddy's goggles....she kept calling them her "super goggles" LOL.

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