
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Time for some Christmas crafts!

It's time to take down our cute turkeys and start putting up some homemade Christmas crafts. We got another great idea, the snowflake, from this great blog The kiddos had fun but come time to put everything away they had a huge melt down, even bigger than usual. This is about the same time Jason and I realized it was almost 10pm. We had been doing the crafts for 2 hours, totally lost track of time and missed the kids bedtime by an hour...ooops LOL.
I let go of trying to make things look good and really let the trio do most of it themselves, the crafts turned out a two year old kind of way :)
Painting their snowflakes.

They got to do their own glitter...they LOVED the glitter.

On to their Christmas trees, since we are not putting an actual tree up this year this was a fun craft.
They got a bit more messy this time, Hayden rubbed the paint all over her face LOL.

All done and drying.

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