
Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Jericho Miles!

OK I am really tired and recovery from this Csection already seems harder so I may be leaving some stuff out but here is a run down. I tried to get some sleep last night but still only managed about 4 hours, Jason worked last night so he had no sleep. The nurse came in to prep me around 6am, my Doctor wanted to get things started a little earlier than what we planned on. I had another fantastic team, my Doctor and his wife did the Csection. Funny story but they also did the triplets Csection and when I heard it was his wife I guess I asked if Doctors were allowed to have family members help out in a Csection....I had no idea she too is an OB and works with him often. Everyone was sorry I was worried and it had not been explained to me but later we all got a kick out of it. So this time she came in to meet me and we laughed about last time. I was more nervous this time and everything seemed to take much longer than the triplets Csection. I started to freak a couple times, but Jason, the nurses and the Anesthesiologist were awesome and helped me calm down. Once they got in and got him out it was calming to hear his HUGE cry, this kid has some lungs and a wide range of cries and screams at his disposal. He was born at 7:12am...which struck me as funny since the trio's birth day is July 12th. Jason's guess was the closest, Jericho was born weighing 8lbs (and a half of an oz but for ease we are just calling it 8lbs) and was 21 1/2 " long..though Jason doesn't think they had him totally stretched so he may be a tad longer. He did really well right away with Apgars of 8 and 9, it was really nice to have him brought to us right away while they were still closing me up, and he never left our side....still hasn't. Once he was out and things were calming down I started not feeling well, dry heaving a few times while you are totally numb and being stitched up is not fun, at least it stayed 'dry.' To try and keep my mind occupied the Anesthesiologist took a bunch of pics of Jason and I with Jericho...he did a great job I think they turned out awesome! Baby boy is doing a really great job nursing already, though I am no pro and need a lot of help getting him where he needs to be. I feel like I hurt more and it seems recovery is already much slower than last was a bit of a blessing in disguise with the trio to have the NICU caring for them around the clock, left me with just worrying about healing for the most part. Jason took my warning and went nuts with the camera...I weeded down from about 100 pics to share these 20 some...enjoy.
A little riskay...I did one last belly pic, getting out of the tub late last night.

Jason...ready to go, again!
Surgery underway.
Me between freak outs and bouts of not feeling well.
Welcome Jericho Miles!
Getting cleaned up and assessed.
The nurse brought him over to me for a first kiss.

The three of us...I love these!
About to get his first little bath. He has no problem letting us know when he is displeased.

So cute, we see Xander and Hayden in him so far.
My first time holding him...he was very alert.
His first couple of meals.
Sweet boy...showing off his muscles LOL.

I can't believe he is here...we love you baby boy!!!!


  1. He is so adorable! And Katrina, you look AMAZING!!!!!!! Congrats mama!!!! I am so proud of you!!

  2. Congratulations!! He's adorable!

  3. He is adorable, congrats momma! He looked as grumpy as my baby boy did after coming out! He kept that grumpy face for a couple months. You think its because he had to deal with the loudness of the triplets for 9 months? HA! Congrats again, you guys are very blessed! It will be a HUGE change, but SO WORTH IT! I see a lot of Hayden in him, first thing I thought when I saw pictures!

  4. So Happy for you all! He's beautiful and looks HUGE! Love the pics of the 3 of you! Again so happy for you! Great job! Congrats!

  5. Welcome baby Jericho Miles.

  6. He's so perfect! Huge congrats you guys and glad to see things went well!!!

    lols... He made it in time for taxes! haha

  7. He's so perfect! Huge congrats you guys and glad to see things went well!!!

    lols... Made it in time for taxes! haha
