
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New year...and a not so happy trio.

Yay 1/1/11...I hope we all are in for a great year!
Jason and Grandma brought the trio to the hospital to see me and Jericho today. It did not go quite as I thought it would, the kids seemed shy and one of them, ahem Lily, seemed a bit jealous. The trio were also uneasy about the room and the bed, I did expect that so I got dressed in regular clothes and was sitting on the edge of my bed not laying in it. Not good enough, the kids didn't want to come near me or Jericho. I handed the baby off to Jason to see if maybe it was him they were unsure about but they still didn't want to come see me :( After about 5min Xander and Hayden warmed up to me but still were not into their baby brother for another 10 or so min. It took Lily almost a half hour to want anything to do with me, and about 45 min before she paid any attention to Jericho. I was surprised since Lily is so into her baby dolls, she did come around a bit before they left, I even got a kiss good bye from each of them. Xander was way more interested in trying to destroy my room and make a break for it out the door than to worry about his new baby brother. Hayden was the first to really get into baby boy, Grandma was holding him and she brought over a blanket and baby hat for him, then she was ready to touch his head a little awwww. Once Lily saw this she too came over to touch him and get a closer look. I think Xander gave him a quick pat on the back before he grabbed our bags and moved them to the door ... and we packed for a few day long stay, he is so strong LOL. After about an hour - hour and a half I was ready for the peace to return, I have missed the trio so much but I am still not getting but 4 hours of sleep a day and trying to recover so I am exhausted and they are so wild hahaha.
Uncle Scott and Auntie Amber stopped by about an hour later to meet Jericho. Little man had a busy afternoon :) He has been doing really well, he has lost some weight now...even though he is wanting to nurse almost every hour, he is now 7lbs 7oz.

Meeting baby brother Jericho...they were not going a step closer. They wouldn't even tickle his toes. I am sure it will get better with a little time.

Not wanting to see Momma either :(
The nurses gave the kids 'Big brother/Big sister' stickers.
Xander takes a second from destroying my room to give his brother a pat.
Hayden just gave him this blanket.
Lily warming up to her baby brother.
Now they all want to see him.
Saying bye bye to baby brother.

Uncle Scott and Auntie Amber.

Busy day...we are pooped.

Cute boy...ready for a nap!


  1. Hes so cute. Welcome to the world little man. Now you need to change your blog to party of 6 and counting lol.


  2. He is so sweet. A year ago I was were you are, it went so fast. I remember the girls were not too sure of their new brother. It took them a couple months actually. Good luck with nursing. Jace cluster fed and I think I got PPD from it, so I could not continue after 3 months. It was the hardest time yet. Get some sleep...if you can! He is adorable.
