
Sunday, January 2, 2011

More visitors!

Jason and I went back to the classroom today. The hospital requires an hour long class on shaken baby syndrome and some health warning signs to watch out for before being discharged. Jason and I took the class today, good stuff to know, very helpful, but I am always so sad when I hear about babies who have been wrong. Uncle Rick and Cousin Brandon came by today to meet the little guy. Jericho also got to meet his Great Grandpa Frank and Betty.

I am almost off my Oxy now, I am doing much better in my healing that I thought I was. I think I am just so tired from all night long nursing that I didn't think I was making any recovery progress. My milk started coming in today, so hopefully Jericho will get more full now and maybe slow up on the every hour or two nursing sessions.

1 comment:

  1. I love the blanket your hospital uses. Better than the standard striped blanket that I've seen everywhere.
