
Monday, January 10, 2011

10 days old!

It was a much much needed quiet chill at home day today. My amazing husband has been telling me for 2 days that I could sleep in today as long as I wanted. True to his word Jericho and I exited the bedroom of our own free will at 1pm this afternoon LOL.

My sweet bundle of baby is 10 days old today, we really are loving this little man. He got himself in this cute little position today after a feeding, I had to have Jason snap a pic it was too cute!

The trio are warming up even more to baby brother, even Lily, she almost held him today but changed her mind at the last second. Xander and Hayden want to hold him and kiss him all the time, it is really sweet. I thought it would be one of the girls but today Xander lifted up his shirt and tried to grab the baby for a feeding LOL such a sweet boy, he will be a great Daddy one day :) Lily has started warming back up to me too. Before Jericho was born she was my velcro baby, had to be touching me at all times, since he came she has not been close with me much at all. Tonight she came and snuggled with was so nice and very very missed.

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