
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Another day of fun!

The group went and checked out a new play spot today. It is a huge (7,500sq ft) indoor play place, it was awesome...crazy packed, but awesome. 2 hours of hanging out there and I don't know who was more tired, or who had more fun, the toddlers or the adults LOL. We have had some very busy days since my sister got in town, it's been great but I am getting tired. I know Jason is too, I can't lift the trio so he has been pretty much on triplet duty while I care for Jericho. Tonight is Allie and Rowan's last night in town, they leave first thing in the morning. Grandma was nice enough to watch the trio for about 4 hours while we went and hung out with everyone at Uncle Ricks for a bit. It was a nice little break from 2 1/2 year old energy and whining :)

Jericho let me sleep a 4 hour and a 3 hour chunk of sleep last night, woohoo!! He also had his umbilical cord stump fall off, little tiny boy is growing up hehehe. He is still eating like every 2 or 3 hours during the day...sometimes every hour and a half. I can not wait for his check up on Friday, I am starting to worry maybe he isn't getting enough milk and that is why he wants to eat all. the. time.!
Does this place look awesome or what? So much to do and play with...if it was not so busy it really would have been perfect.

The ball room, we all had fun throwing soft balls at each other and dodging the cannons. Hopefully this will not hurt our 'no throwing toys at home' policy LOL.

Hayden found this huge slide and that was it for her. The rest of our time there she was going down the slide then climbing her way back up to go down again...over and over and over, all by herself too. She always picked the green slide, and just smiled and screamed in joy the whole way down.
Some down time at Rick's.
Brothers and sisters :)


  1. You always hang out at the fun spots. Do you mind sharing this one with me?

  2. It is called Playdate PDX
    I think weekday mornings and after 5pm are their slow times. I would suggest going then if possible. It was a ton of fun but way too busy when we went.
