
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Brrrr January visit to the Zoo.

We had quite the group today...6 adults, 5 toddlers and a baby LOL. We all were bundled up, it maybe got up to 40 degrees today, so everyone had at least 2 or 3 layers on. I tried out my Moby for the first time today, Jericho was kept very warm snuggled right up to Momma. I really love the wrap and hope I have lots of opportunities to wear him. Our 2 1/2 hours at the Zoo were really fun, all the kids walked well and there were enough adult hands to go around. I am pretty worn out...probably a little too much activity 8 days after a Csection. So many of the animals were out and very busy today, it was one of our better visits. The wolf pack was in full howl mode as we walked in, and that was just the start of seeing some cool things this tip. When we got to the penguins, who were playing with each other...and their food, Lily started singing her little "Go percy go," bit from the Cat In The Hat cartoon she loves. I found myself saying it with her and really enunciating 'Percy' so the people near us knew what she was trying to say no matter what it sounded like LOL. The battles over what the girls will or will not wear are getting worse. Like today they love the hats they had on, even though they are too small to actually do much to keep their heads warm, and totally would not let us put different hats on them. Lily is more than in love with her TinkerBell stuff and 9 times out of 10 refuses to wear anything else these days, we have sort of given in to her on this issue...not sure if that is called picking your battles or caving hahaha. The girls imagination is just going wild, they had us cracking up a few times today. One just after we saw the Monkey's at the Zoo Hayden and Lily started running around this little treed area making Monkey noises. Jason and I said 'girls what are you doing?' Miss Lily pipes up 'we are monkey's, ooh ooh ahh ahh' hehehe. Then later tonight at home the girls were pretending Sakari was the big bad wolf, they were running around saying 'ut oh the big bad wolf is gonna huff and puff' Then Lily went over to Sakari and said 'wolfie gonna huff and puff' she looked at me and Jason and said 'ut oh we better get outta here' LOL. Never dull I tell ya :)
My little man ready to go, he had this 0-3mo outfit over top of a newborn's too big but so cute!
Snug in the Moby wrap.
Lily held "Uncle Skunks" hand almost the whole time LOL.
Checking out the Tigers...who according to the sign are Ducks fans :)
Look at all 5 of cute!
Everyone looking at the Leopard.
The trio loved the baby Elephant.
The Zoo's Monkey's.
My Monkey's running through the trees saying 'oohh oohh ahh ahh' LOL.
Go Percy!

Yeehaw...thank goodness the barn was warm.

1 comment:

  1. Hunter gets his timeouts for 3 minutes... He does really well with it for the most part now we just have to get daddy to be more consistant! lol.

    We'll have to do play date with Hunter and the Trio at out of this world pizza or something when you and Jericho are up to it. :) Love the hair!
