
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Interviews are is on the way!

Things have kept busy around here...what else is new. I am so happy it is February...the kids will be doing lots of fun crafts soon!

After a couple days of interviews we have hired Tabitha to help out with the trio when Jason is at work. She will start with us on Saturday...I can't wait! She seems really awesome and the kids loved her, should be fun!

Jericho is getting so big, he is almost over his cold now but he does have a cough that is hanging on. Here he is taking his first shower with Dad.

I am feeling pretty good considering, the meds help LOL. Oh and I think once my belly isn't so sore many of my pre pregnancy pants should fit again. Here I am about 1 month after my Csection.

Xander loves to put his hands in his pockets, every time he wears jeans he walks around like this LOL.
The big kids are still having a hard time leaving the swing alone. Thank goodness we don't leave the room with Jericho in it...the trio have no idea how to push him gently Hahaha.

After mom says to stop. :)
Lily is like why is he freaking out.
Much better hehehe.

Lily was in full on princess mode today. She LOVED this little dress...sooo cute!

Hayden is not really a dress girl but Lily was playing hers up so much Hayden had to join in...but didn't want to take off her jeans LOL.

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