
Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's not nice to laugh when someone gets hurt.

Jason loves watching Wipeout, I get a mild kick out of it too. We watch it and laugh our butts off, though we are trying not to teach our 2 year olds that it's OK to laugh at people when they fall or get hurt. We try to say "oopsie" or "Ut Oh" in a very caring way when someone bites it, though with this show you say it every 2 seconds. The kids have started saying "ut oh" and "oops" then laugh...our plan may not be working the way we hoped. Hahaha.

We got the baby announcements out, they have only been sitting around for a few weeks now. Going back for another surgery threw our schedule off.

Since Jericho got home my sweet Lily bug doesn't love me best anymore :( She has joined Hayden in being a Daddy's girl, Hayden is not any happier about this than I am. Now the girls fight over Jason, today both girls were climbing in his lap and Hayden says "my Daddy" then Lily says "no my Daddy" then she points off his lap and says "get out." Silly girls.

Tonight was our first evening with Tabitha and it went great, Xander was in her lap as much as possible, Lily enjoyed telling Tabitha all about her TinkerBell stuff, and Hayden was a big fan...until it was time to get ready for bed.
We did our first Valentine-ish crafts...cute little love bugs today too. Man I am tired it's been a full day :)

Fun with Tabitha.

Craft time.

The finished product.

Jericho is getting so big...just look at him, 5 weeks old and so darn cute!

Look at this strong baby...a little tummy time.

Trying out the Bumbo...not quite ready for it yet though.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    I came across your adorable blog and thought your little ones’ tummy time photo would be a great entry in Pathways Awareness' I <3 Tummy Time Baby Photo Contest.
    Three winners each receive a certificate, a $20 Starbucks gift card, and a photo mug with which to display their favorite photo.
    For more details and to enter, visit:
