
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Leapin Leprechauns

OK so it's not March yet, but we got a jump start on some St. Patrick's day crafts today. Tabitha found these and brought them over for the kids to paint. They had a great time but got extra messy this time for some reason, they even got green on Sakari. Can you tell we didn't help them much, or try to get them to do it 'right'...yes, it was hard for me LOL.

Lily had me and Jason laughing until we cried tonight. She told Jason 2 times that she was "so hungry" then added that she wanted "blueberries, bananas, milk, a plate and a fork" when we asked her what she wanted for dinner. Jason and I got to talking for a couple of min. then he asked Lily what she wanted for dinner. She walked over to us, cleared her throat and recited the same request of "blueberries, bananas, milk, a plate and a fork" while counting off the items on her fingers LMAO!!!

The staff over at The Little Gym snapped these and sent them to nice of them!

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