
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My kids are not ready to give up naps.

Today was busy! Jericho is 7 weeks old now and we still have not received his certified birth certificate or his social security card, come to find out there is no record with the state of WA. or Uncle Sam that he was ever born. The hospital must have dropped the ball and not registered his birth, so today we all piled into the car and drove 2 hours up to Olympia, WA. to get things rolling. We stopped for a couple hours at the Children's Hands On Museum before heading home. We were there back when the trio were just 10 months old, so this time they really got a lot more out of the place and had a lot of fun! The plan was for the kids to nap in the car for the 2 hour drive home, that didn't happen. We also had our Little Gym class tonight, so the kids were drained and ready for proven by their meltdowns. They really do still need that 2 hour a day nap.

So many fun pics!
Mr. Jericho happy, for the moment, in the car on our way to Olympia.

At the museum. In the pet grooming section LOL.

They had a performance stage and puppet area too.
Cool train table...and an awesome tree house.
They loved driving the delivery bus :)

Garden fresh!

The kiddos really loved the grocery and kitchen areas.

Playing with some flowers.
My future Doctors!

Lily Bug brushing her teeth in the dentist area...with a giant tooth brush.

Fun in the sand.

Some neat ball thingy, Hayden spent a good chunk of time here.
In the same boat that we played in the last time we visited.
We couldn't get them to cooperate for a good pic this time but here is the one we got when they were 10 months old.
When we left we ran into a pretty good snow storm. Dad and the girls enjoying the snow for a min.
Tabitha and Xander looking for shelter LOL.

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