
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A day out with the girls

Yesterday we had a fun day out with the girls, Xander stayed home and had some fun 1 on 1 time with Tabitha. We did some furniture shopping, I of course fell in love with a couch that will probably take months to get in chocolate instead of white, and will be almost too big for our livingroom. Next we bought some flower bulbs that hopefully the kids can help us plant in a week or two. The plan was to get lunch then head home but I was already missing my Xan Man, so we stopped home to get him then everyone went out for lunch. They did really well and didn't really act up at all, I am so glad they still, happily, surprise us...most of the time.

Jericho ready to go.

Lily being silly...that is the couch I love.

We stopped by Home Depo where Lily helped push the cart.

Xander checking out what we bought without him.

He put this all on by himself...Dad's shirt, shoes, hat...he even has a Venus catalog LOL.

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