
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Old stuff in a box.

Jason and I were on a mission to get rid of some junk today, so we looked through some old stuff and, as usually happens, found some dusty memories. We found a box of a lot of the triplets NICU stuff, little tiny BP cuffs, preemie diapers, signs that the nurses made for us...even a pair of tiny Ray-Ban's. I swear seeing this stuff takes me back like it was just yesterday and not over 2 1/2 years ago.

The nurses took these pictures of the trio, then made this poster for me and decorated it so that I could have there pictures in my room. They also said it would help me get milk during pump sessions. Have I said before how awesome it is to be in a hospital that is so pro breast feeding and pumping?!

I noticed for the first time today that next to Lily's picture the nurses put Tinkerbell stickers. I was like OMG her love of Tinkerbell was just meant to be :)

These were the signs that hung on their isolettes and the stickers that was their "mark." At our NICU every baby got their own room and their own stuff, each room was given a symbol and that symbol was on everything for that baby. Xander's was Tigger, Hayden's was Piglet and wouldn't you know Lily's was a princess castle. Funny.

The stuff that they wore every all seemed so big on tiny babies.

Xander in his BP cuff...that is Jason's ring on his little foot.

Jericho wanted to try on the shades...they didn't fit. Here is a video of my tiny girls wearing their Ray-Ban's while catching some rays in the NICU. Looks black but plays.

They really have come a long way...I can't believe they will be 3 years old in just 4 months!

A funny from today...
Seems I am rubbing off on my daughter Lily. Some of you may know my pet name for Jason is 'Bushka" don't ask me how the name came about or where I got it but it has stuck...and Jason even calls me Bushka too. Some of you may also know I am a bit of a worry wart. When Jason is playing with the kids I often can not stop myself from telling him to be careful, or to stop tossing them about like they are toys. Well today he was playing with Xander on the floor, doing a move we learned at the Little Gym...on there PADDED floor mats...where you flip the kid over your knees as you roll back onto your shoulders, hard to explain I guess. Anyway Lily and Hayden were up on the fort toy looking down at Xander and Jason, out of the blue Lily says "Bushka be careful" Jason and I just looked at each other...and I was like uh yeah she is right be careful LMAO!!!

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