
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Good news all around

Today was a good day, though if you were to ask one little red head I don't think she would agree. We started out at our favorite photographers studio getting the kids their Easter photos taken. This is our third year and they just get better and better. The bunnies were adorable, even though Xander was the only one who wanted to get close to them. I can not wait to get the photos back...we always just love them. I attached Amanda's info, if anyone local wants to check it out she is doing the pics through the weekend. We got home and the trio decided to have a little tea party, Xander's monkey was the special guest of honor LOL. Jericho got in on the monkey action too :)

O.J. was entertaining Jericho, lots of giggles and smiles for the kitty.

Jericho is 3 months old today...he was being a ham.

Our new sofa arrived today...we LOVE it!!! It takes up a good amount of room, but it's so nice to have more seating for everyone. Kinda funny, the driver actually helped Jason move it inside, they are not supposed to do that so that was very nice of him. Anyway, come to find out he has a new baby girl born the same day as Jericho...and her name is Lily.

The news that didn't make everyone happy, Lily is no longer backed up. The Pedi got it out manually today, I guess after going on for a month and trying just about everything they figured it was time. He thinks he got it all and while it was big the Pedi was surprised it wasn't bigger. If this keeps up he wants to test her for some disease that Jason couldn't remember the name of (so helpful) I will grill him further when he gets home. Update Hirshsprung's is what it's called. Poor Lily did not have a fun visit...hopefully we never have to go through all this again. She is on miralax every day for at least the next few months. I hope she isn't too traumatized by all 2 1/2 year old should have their bum messed with so many times! For the rest of the night tonight she kept telling us "the Doctor hurt my butt" :(

1 comment:

  1. Oh Katrina, I'm at least glad Lily has been unplugged. I'm sure it wasn't pleasant for her, but the future has got to be better than the last month for her. I have a fleeting memory of being taken to the emergency room (age 5? 6?) and having to be manually unclogged.

    The irony of the delivery driver having a little girl born the same day as Jericho and named Lily brought a huge smile to my face. Awesome couch, by the way. We have a big sectional and love it. Liam sometimes uses it as a runway and happily crashes against the back. Great fun.
