
Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool's

Can't believe April is here already, where does the time go. We got the decoration and goodie bag stuff for the triplets birthday party today. We are going low key this time, but it should still be cute. The kids did some paint and glitter Easter eggs today...glitter just has to get everywhere, no matter how hard you try.

Uncle Skunk and Auntie Amber came over for dinner again tonight. We all always have a great time.

The girls were making pretend lunch...pancakes, everytime LOL.

There were a ton of little flying ants or whatever they were. Xander was terrified, Hayden didn't like them at all but Lily was all about looking at them and even tried to pick some up. Guess her nickname, Lily Bug, really fits :)

Some after dinner fun.

Doing a little dancing...they are getting better at actually trying to follow along.

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