
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The family that plays together.

It was a fun day here. Our day in pictures.

Everyone...even a sleeping Jericho, were relaxing on the couch. They were having a great time, how quickly that can change. Next thing I know Xander throws a tea pot at Lily, it hit her but she wasn't really hurt. He went to time out.

Xander and Lily were both crying, Xan because he was in time out and Lily because she got hit with the tea pot. I turned my back for a min or two then noticed the crying had stopped. Lily first then Hayden joined Xander in time out..and they all felt better.

Here are the girls showing support for their incarcerated sibling LOL.

Lily was playing with a bracelet, she kept putting it around her foot. Reminded me of a much smaller Lily.

Lily 4 days old wearing Jason's wedding band on her foot.

What a difference!

So we may not be totally without any green on our thumbs. We have some sproutage!

Ben & Jerry's was giving out a free scoop of ice cream today, thanks Angela for the heads up! We took the kiddos to the mall, after eating our ice cream cone...the second one the trio have ever had, we spent a couple hours walking around.

Trying a new hold with the Moby Wrap. I think both Jericho and I like this one more, now that he is older and bigger. I can't believe he is almost 14 weeks old already.

After we cleaned up from the ice cream we let the trio play in the mall play area for the first time.

On the way out we stopped by the Koi ponds.

Lily saw the Disney store so we had to stop in there. That was a hard one to get them out of. It was like their mother ship LOL.

A lady stopped us and asked if the girls would like a little nail art. Lily was all for it but Hayden is going through another shy stage so she wasn't game.

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