
Monday, April 11, 2011

Returns suck.

As it turns out one of the jeeps we got for the kids for their birthday is a lemon. We loaded it up and all went on the 2 hour trip to take it back. They didn't have another pink one to make the exchange so we are waiting to see what they get in on Friday. If they don't get another pink one then we are going to get green ones for all three. I am not about to deal with everyone fighting over the one pink one. The kids did great on the drive, we left at nap time hoping they would nap on the way. Xander and Hayden did pass out for about an hour, but Lily was too excited to be going bye bye. She did however not make it all the way home without snoozing for a bit. We stopped at a park on our way back into town, it was a pretty nice day. The girls loved the horse, they kept taking turns...he got a good workout :)

There was a 5 yr old little girl there with her mom and brother. When she saw me taking pics of my kids she asked me to take her picture. I was faking it but then she started striking serious poses hehehe.

Lily kept talking to the horse telling him to come on and go go go.

Yee haw Hayden.

Jericho enjoyed getting a little fresh air too.

So cute!

The park had this cool "phone" thing. Here is Lily at one end yelling into it, speaking to Hayden at the other.

Here is Hayden talking to Xander on it. It's more like yelling but the sound does travel and you can hear it at the other end. It was pretty neat.

There were 4 slides at the park, of course Xander had to go down the one slide that was all wet. So he was in a diaper on the drive home. He became very interested in his toes on the way home.

Yes he is sucking on his toe...silly boy.


  1. you guys are always finding the cool parks. Do you just drive down streets until you find one? Or what is your secret. I love the newest park. Love the foot picture as well. My 4 year old loved to try to eat her feet all the time. So cute.

  2. Hahaha on this park we were an hour and a half away from home and just punched up the closest park in the Garmin. The kids were needing to stretch their legs so we didn't care what kind of park it was, it turned out to be a really nice one LOL.
    I used to do the toe thing too when I was little, and not that I put it in my mouth anymore but I can still get it to my mouth if I ever wanted to LMAO! Must be one of those skills you never lose.
