
Thursday, April 7, 2011

It happened...

It has been an interesting day around here. First the girls decided they wanted to wear a dress over their shirts and pants, they have a flair for style LOL.

No don't worry his head isn't on backwards just his shirt. When I woke the kids up after nap this is how I found Xander.

Now, here is what 'happened'...I get to join another Momma club. It took until my 4th baby, but I am now a member of the "My baby fell off the couch" club. Jericho wasn't hurt thankfully, and I don't think he learned his lesson at all LOL. Poor guy cried for a min or two but didn't have any bumps or knots. His siblings were quite concerned, except for Lily. Just before Jericho bit it I had told her she could watch a Tinkerbell movie. So I am trying to hold and calm the baby and she is bringing me the remote and saying Tinkerbell a hundred times over and over. I told Lily to wait a min. her baby brother just fell and got hurt. She didn't care and persisted about Tinkerbell, shoving the remote at me still. I tried to again get some sympathy for Jericho out of her, she pats his head and says "he's all better.....Tinkerbell." Hahaha. Great bedside manner Doc!

After he got calmed down he got all cute so I had to take a bunch of pics of his cute mug :)

Lily holding the remote waiting for her movie LOL. That is not a face of patience.

Poor sweet guy...Momma is sorry :(

Xander was sad for his brother.

Nothing a little boobie wouldn't fix ;)

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