
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This is not a spectator sport.

I guess the kids were feeling lazy today, this was how they "played" their Wii 'Just Dance Kids' game today LOL. We bought this to be a little indoor workout for them, this will not do. They were each sitting on their little butts, holding a baby doll and watching the kids on the game dance as intently as they do a cartoon...silly kids.

We have changed things up a bit with our clean up after meals routine. Now instead of getting wiped down at the table with a wet paper towel after every meal, we have started pulling a chair up to the sink, we really need to get a stool, and having the kids hop up one at a time to wash their hands and face. We even throw in a tooth brushing session after breakfast and dinner. It is way better than the way we used to do it, and they get cleaner I think too. That should make the Dentist happy. Even more awesome, the kids actually ask...more like beg sometimes, to wash up and brush their teeth. Wonder how long that will last LOL. The trio are getting more and more independent every day, now they want to help clean up after themselves too. Just today everyone had to walk their paper plates to the trash can and toss them in, then Xander grabbed the syrup off the counter and took it to the fridge, we were about to holler at him when we realized he was grabbing it and opening the fridge to put it away LOL.

These are cool, they were brought back from China by a co-worker of Jason's. I don't think they will fit the girls for another year, maybe two, but they are neat.

So far it looks like the nasty tasting polish we got from the Dentist for the trio's thumbs has worked on Xander and Hayden. Lily however is still sucking her thumb. 2 outta 3 ain't bad...isn't that how the song goes, it is certainly how life around here seems to go much of the time hahaha.

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