
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Jason worked a double today, so it was a long one. Thankfully the nanny was with us today so the kids had a lot of fun playing with her. The trio do not love getting in trouble but are all about dolling out the punishments. The newest funny thing going on is sending the dogs to time out. If the dogs are in the kitchen during meal time the trio have started yelling at them and saying "out doggie, get out, get in time out doggie"'s pretty funny, poor dogs LOL. We did some more Easter crafts today, some cute little hand print chicks. The trio got upset when it was time to put them up to dry, they wanted to "pet my baby chick." To get their minds off the chicks we handed out some paper, crayons and stickers. Lily got a craft pack of Tinkerbell stuff for her birthday last year, we set it aside waiting for her to get a tad older. I pulled it out today and gave her some of the stickers. It was the cutest most sweet moment. I handed her the sheet of stickers, it was full of all things Tinkerbell. She took it and did a double take, her eyes got wide and she started three different statements breaking each one, she was literally speechless. It went something like this... "Wow that's" ... "Awww it's my"...."Oh Momma it's beeeutiful" She kept gasping between every statement and then hugged the paper LMAO. She put all the stickers on some construction paper and kept calling it Pixie Hollow :) Hanging out with "Tabbibda" They are puzzle crazy! Every time she finishes one Lily says "Momma wanna try aggaaiiinn" Jericho was sleeping so Hayden was ssshhhhing us. Lily's Tinkerbell stickers. Putting the eyes and beak on their baby chicks.

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