
Monday, April 4, 2011

Our little jumping beans.

During breakfast Jason sprung on me that he wanted to take the kids to 'JJ Jump' this morning. We have been wanting to check the place out, but this was sudden and I am a planner. We cleaned the kids up, got everyone dressed and headed out the door. The place was really cool, and not too busy...wouldn't you know we pick a mid day Monday, when it should be totally dead, that happened to have a birthday party group. Even so it was fun, 4000 sq ft of blow up jump could that suck?! Even better no one got hurt and after about an hour the trio were wore out and ready to eat lunch and nap. Ahhh I love naps, I never want to see them go! It was funny to see our 2 1/2 year olds in there jumping, or trying to, with the bigger kids...and holding their own. Jason and I bought them a trampoline for their birthday, just an 8 footer so not a huge one or anything, but it's nice to know they will know what to do with it LOL.

Daddy of course had as much fun as the trio.

Jericho slept through his 1st visit to JJ Jump. Don't mind my no makeup look, like I said leaving the house this morning was sprung on me.

Jericho was passed out the whole time we were at the jumping joint, so he was wide awake and ready for his close up when we got home. My just turned 3 month old is wearing a 6 month shirt and 9 month pants...a tad big but not by much. He really needs to slow down! Jason told me this morning that I woke him up in the middle of the night last night asking freaking out..."where is the baby." He said I was looking all over the bed, under the covers and kept saying over and over "where is the baby." I guess he told me Jericho is in the co-sleeper, I looked in saw him and passed back out hahaha. We were working on our standing today :)

I wanted to ask y'all a favor. I know I have a few readers out there, I love that other people get to enjoy the trio and their funny stories BTW so thanks for coming by the blog. I don't get too many comments though, I am not handing out spankings Lord knows I read many a blog that I don't have the time to comment on. What I am hoping I can get you guys to do is sign up at BlogFrog it takes just a couple of seconds. Then you will be featured on my blog roll when you stop's an easy way to let me know you stopped by. Since changing my blog name from 'Party Of Five' I have been wanting to make some other changes and getting more feedback is one of them, so if any of you can help me out I would be grateful.


  1. I am already a BlogFrog member - but I don't even know what it!

  2. Hahaha other than putting you on my blog roll I don't know what it does either :)
    My roll has visitors...Woohoo you guys rock! Thanks!

  3. I did the exact same thing when the baby was about 2 months old... the freaking out, waking up asking where the baby was!
