
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why did the chicken...

Jump the fence? Because she had a death wish. I was in the kitchen today fake sneezing myself into a black out entertaining the triplets, when I happened to glance out the kitchen window into the back yard. I saw some big bird, that at first I thought was a duck, flapping and running like crazy with my 100lb Malamute and 80lb Pittie hot on it's heels. I screamed and ran as fast as I could to the back door, like I was going to be able to stop my dogs from killing this poor bird. I get the door open and the bird was gone, I was not the only one shocked, the dogs were sniffing around like crazy like where the hell LOL. It had somehow got enough momentum and got up and over the fence just in time. I saw a neighbor looking over the fence so I yelled out was that your duck, she said no she thinks it was another neighbors chicken...I laughed and said lucky chicken. Now I just hope she never finds her way back into my yard. We had an otherwise quiet day at home today. Jason accidently put a Tinkerbell skirt on Hayden instead of Lily, so Lily was bugging her all day about it. She didn't freak out just was chasing her around wanting to look at the Tinkerbell and telling Hayden over and over again that she had a Tinkerbell on her pretty skirt LOL.

Lily and her quads...she just has to show me up :) She was taking them all to the park, by herself...showing me up again LOL.

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