
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Keys oh keys where are you

It's almost as bad as my dog ate my homework, we had to use the we couldn't make our appointment because we lost our car keys excuse today. All the kids had Doctors appointments this morning. Everyone got up and got ready, just as we were headed out to load up we discover the keys to the van were missing. We looked for an hour and didn't find them, the triplets even helped...they were calling for the keys to come out LOL. So either my husband or my kids lost the keys to the van, I am betting on my husband being the culprit. That meant the trio did not get to go to the Doc. today for a shot...they were upset about it. I tried to explain to them that they just dodged the needle, they didn't seem to care. Jason had to take Jericho in his car for his 4 mo appt. I was pretty pissed, and just a tad tired of hubby being a flipping bonehead, I love him but swear he would lose his head if it weren't attached Hahaha.

Jason took some of our now signature mirror pictures that we take at the kids Doctor appointments. He didn't have my camera so he had to use his phone, so the pics are not great but I think he was trying to appease worked a little :) Jericho will be 4 months in just a couple days, and we were really close with our measurements...he is 16 lbs (75%) 25" (50%) with a head of 41 cm (50%) not too shabby big guy, not too shabby.

We had a little too much fun snapping pictures at home today...yes I know I have a problem, I am an addict.

I do have a funny Xander story today. I put the trio down for naps, about 20 min later Xander starts freaking out...loudly crying and yelling. I run in and as soon as he hears me open the door he starts saying "Momma help, stuck, stuck, help." Do not ask me how but he (and his monkey) crawled under the fitted sheet, which was still fitted around the mattress, and got scared because he couldn't find his way out. I had to hide a laugh as he thanked me for getting him out LOL.

Baby boy at the Doctors.

Hayden loving her snack.

Silly Jericho picture of the day :)

Kisses from Momma.

You can see those sharp little teeth really good now.

Such a cutie!

He was actually enjoying some tummy time...for a few min. at least.

Had to take some pics with the trio too.

Is he handsome or what?!

Miss Hayden.

If you ask my husband, Lily Bug is my spitting image...poor girl, I hope she is cuter than me.

My 4 munchkins watching Finding Nemo...what a great bunch! We are truly blessed <3

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