
Sunday, April 24, 2011

A bunny was loose in our house

OK so up until this year we hadn't done anything other than get the kids pictures taken for Easter, oh and last year we hid a few plastic eggs around the living room. We were not against baskets or bunnies or egg hunts, just felt the kids were a little young for all that. This year we decided to get into the "spirit" of things. *Disclaimer: We are not an overly religious family. Part of me likes to believe there is a God and a hereafter (how lame would it be to die and just be dead.) Another part of me is more scientific and has a hard time with the no proof thing and all the bible beaters out there trying to sell you on it. We like to do our own thing, be good people, try to do the right thing, heck I will even shoot up a prayer for someone in need, and hope that if there is a God we did enough to go to a good place. So when I say "spirit" I mean festive, yeah I know not everyone is OK with the Easter Bunny, or even Santa Claus...we are and see it as fun and festive. So this year the Easter Bunny visited our house for the first time. The trio got big baskets and hunted up some more eggs. Then after naps we headed over to Grandma's to have some more Easter fun. The trio got over tired, and bed time was a little rough but all in all it was a good day. And God if you are up there and listening....thank you, and that is no BS.

The girls got Tinkerbell baskets, it had some great craft stuff and they loved it. Xander's basket had some fun games and sports type was a big hit as well.

They wasted no time eating some of their candy.

Hayden won with the most eggs found LOL.

Lily was just all about her Tinkerbell stuff.

We broke out one of the color Tink puzzles.

Over at Grandma's...Jericho hanging out with his 2nd cousins Boston and Broc.

Great Grandpa Frank celebrated his 82nd Birthday today too. Uncle Skunk also had a Bday today!

A couple of Pop Pop Randy's grandkids were over, they are 3 and 6 and were fun new friends for Xander, Hayden and Lily to play with...once Hayden got over her 15min shy stretch. They were all playing downstairs....we heard lots of happy screams because they were all being a "closet monster" and were growling and pretending to scare each other. My kids have never even heard of him until now...lets hope this doesn't start anything bad, like nightmares and being afraid of the dark and such.

It went back to raining today, but they got a little break in the weather...long enough for some fun outside.

1 comment:

  1. Right with you on the religous side of holidays and beliefs. Looks like the litte ones picked up the spirit pretty quickly!
