
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Grandma's park.

We got treated to a beautiful, sunny, dry 71 degree day today. We drove by a park but it was packed, so we decided to hit up "Grandma's park" as the girls call it LOL. We spent a good 2 hours playing then had a great BBQ followed by another hour of play. The trio were beat and ready for bed when we got home.

Jericho enjoyed a little tummy time in the sun. He doesn't get much tummy time, with three 2 1/2 year olds, 3 dogs and hardwood floors he is almost never down.

Pop Pop Randy got the kids set up to do a little digging in the dirt.

Xander and Hayden saw some ants and freaked out, Lily tried for 3 min to capture one. Here she is with her new friend. After seeing her almost squish him twice I told her we were going to set him free so he could go home. She was not at all happy with me and cried for a min then went looking for a new friend.

Playing ball with Hayden, I was showing her my big muscles LOL.

Lily was still upset about the ant.

She is too sweet to stay angry with me for long :)

Jericho trying out a bike.

Seesaw fun with Daddy.

Daddy and Jericho being silly.

Jericho is sure lucky he is cute. He has tried out his new teeth on me a time or two, I don't know what the S&M's like about it...getting my nipple nipped on is no fun.

Lily did the cutest thing today, Xander was rubbing his head...he still has a good sized bump from his Little Gym mishap. Anyway, she asks him what's wrong and he tells her "owie" and points to his head. She went over to him hugged him, then kissed his forehead and said "your owie is all better." Awww my sweet Bug.

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