
Friday, April 22, 2011

No nipple confusion here.

I went back for my 1st session of coloring my new tattoo today. Jason stayed home with all 4 kiddos. I had milk in the freezer for Jericho but apparently that was not at all good enough. I was gone for about 5 hours and came home to a pissy and hungry baby boy. He refused to eat from the bottle the whole time I was gone, I find it funny that he is incapable of getting on a 3rh feeding schedule but will go on a 5 hour hunger strike no problem. So yeah, no nipple confusion here...he knows very well what he wants LOL. I came home bearing gifts for the trio, so they were also very happy to see me. My tattoo artist has 2 boys who get lots of gifts in duplicate, so she passed on a couple games for the trio and a new car for Xander! you can see the kiddos loved everything :)

First run in with Candy Land!

They were doing really well playing by the rules and not making a mess.

Until Jericho puked on himself and I had to go change him. I came back to this.

Miss innocent over here.

We started over and finished the game...even though they lost interest about half way through. Hayden won the first round!

Today was a teething like crazy day for Jericho. He was making all kinds of funny bitter beer faces, I happened to catch cute. Pucker up lil buddy :)

Momma was D.O.N.E after one round of Candy Land, Miss Lily was not happy about that.

We now have a chicken that has decided it likes living in our front yard. I am not sure if it is the same one from the back yard run in or whom it belongs to....but if it eats bugs and spiders it can stay LOL. The trio love looking at her from the livingroom window, and I woke up this morning to her clucking quietly outside my window.

We got all the Cherry Blossoms done and most of the water.

I have had a lot of people ask the meaning behind the new tattoo. There is meaning behind each of the different parts, you can look them up for more in depth info but for a quick run down....
-The Koi is symbolic for many things: aspiration, advancement, perseverance in adversity and strength of purpose, courage. Mostly good fortune and luck....even love.
-The dancing cranes: Peace, love, joy, the celebration of life, long life, happy marriage (the red-crowned cranes are monogamous.)
-The Cherry Blossoms: power and strength yet delicate, and the transcience of life.
-The Lotus: truth and enlightenment.
Even the water has symbolic meaning: femininity, a force for chance and life itself. Water can purify by washing away the negative and can regenerate.

Just an arm full of goodness :)

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