
Monday, May 9, 2011

First soccer class!

The kids first soccer class today went OK. Hayden was in a mood, and didn't feel like joining the group so she spent most of the hour kicking a ball off by herself. Lily was hot and cold with class...some parts she really liked some she didn't. One of the not so bright moments of her class experience was getting run into by another kid, the boy had already run down two other kids during class. Think we will need to watch out for him LOL. Xander did really great, he was the most outgoing and joined right in, he even did pretty good at following directions.

They had just a little trouble figuring out you don't use your hands...we will work on it hehehe.

The coaches gave each of the kids shirts...Hayden wore hers but it is a bit too big LOL

Lots of fun "games" are played, so it's not all just running back and forth kicking a ball.

Team huddle at the end of class :)

Jericho chilled and enjoyed watching.

They still had energy to burn after class so we stopped at the park.

Still love this 4 person teeter totter :)

Jericho was such a good baby today! Jason has been laughing at me all day. Jericho is still not on any kind of schedule and is sleeping in bed with me more than he sleeps in his co-sleeper. Not for lack of trying on my part mind you. Last night I fed him and put him over in the co-sleeper as I always do figuring he would have me up in a couple hours. Next thing I know it's light out, he is crying but still in his co-sleeper and the clock says 6:15am. He never got me up last my excitement I yelled out "that's what I'm talking about." Jason heard me and has been repeating that to me all day LOL. I just hope this becomes the norm, and soon!

Jason and I have made a pact, we have agreed to give up fast food for 2 months. The last time I did this I lost 20 lbs, I am still carrying 13 lbs of baby weight so lets hope it does the trick again! I don't want to get too crazy with a diet since I am still breastfeeding and don't want to mess with my supply. This should be a good and easy start.

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