
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

So excited to see Uncle Skunk.

Uncle Scott and Auntie Amber came over for dinner and a visit tonight. The got a very warm welcome from the trio, you would think it's been months and months by just how excited the kids were. They spent the first half hour running around screaming, laughing and you couldn't wipe the smiles off. We also got some planning done for our big family summer trip to Grants Pass and Bandon in July...can't wait!

So happy to see Uncle Skunk!

Kisses and hugs <3

Sneaking up on Auntie Amber.

Hayden and Lily were both dancing and twirling...they were so silly.

Amber got a baby fix :)

Being little PITA's...they have hit the jumping and running on the couch phase.

Xamder never left the trouble making phase.

Not so happy when it was time for them to leave.

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