
Tuesday, May 17, 2011 reenactments please.

I am so glad the kids can not get into my kitchen. Thanks to "pupunzle" the trio are whacking each other, and Jason and I, with anything that will serve as a pretend frying pan. Nothing like being threatened with a water bottle while your not quite three year olds interrogate you...asking question like "who else knows my location." I think we may have to worry about Hayden and police brutality, when I looked away to laugh about the situation with Jason she went ahead and whacked me with the bottle and repeated her question LMAO.

Jericho has been working out hard these days...LOL.

We took the kiddos to OMSI today, Grandma came with and we all had a great time.

They had some new hearing exhibits.

Lily giving me her 'Mom don't make me use my frying pan look' :)

They were not exactly fans of the headphones.

A fun phone exhibit, Xander and Daddy chatting it up.

He loves a phone! Hahaha

They still had the baby stuff going on. Hayden and Lily ran up to this one saying it was baby Jericho in there.

On the move, always on the move.

Doing a little shopping in the market.

Hayden hanging out in the Eagle's nest.

I am getting tired of chasing them, Jericho is loving all the action though.

Checking out the caves.

Craft time.

Some weird rubber like play doh.

Making sunglasses with Grandma.

All in a days work :)

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