
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wild Wednesday.

It was beautiful today, 71 degrees and sunny! We decided to hit up the park for a couple hours, the kids had a lot of fun did Jason and I too :)

I am not too sure on this whole Rapture thing, I think deep down I don't really believe anything will happen but a small part of me is scared. It would be a shame for things to come to an end. Sure we are not perfect but our world really is a beautiful place. There are a lot of good people, animals great and small, and man oh man the sweet children....sure would hate to see it all go.

We pulled out the girls shades that Grandma got them, and stopped at the dollar store to get another pair for Mr. Destructo.

Such an amazing day!

Miss overly cautious Lily getting some help from Daddy.

Such a stud...these sunglasses didn't make it much longer than his last pair.

Tire swing fun!

Hayden is still going through a tough phase but she sure had fun today.

Some running out on the baseball diamond.

Jericho enjoyed the day, even tried on his big brother's shades. He was eager to get back to his favorite new activity....grabbing his toes!

They also did a lot of digging in the dirt with big least they weren't using them as frying pans :)

Flower for Momma awwww.

We introduced the kiddos to blowing dandelions...the girls loved it, Xander ate more than blew and wasn't thrilled with the taste.

Love this one, you can see the little seeds blowing away.

The girls blowing some on baby brother.

Lily loved it too.

My sweet girls :)

Xander and Daddy traded.

Xander's first rock that he found, fell in love with and wanted to take home. It is actually kinda cool and all sparkely inside.

After the park the kids grabbed a little nap then we headed to our Little Gym class. We were all beat when we got home. My girls came and snuggled with me, reminded me of another time I was holding them both, back when they were just 3 1/2 months old.

Time flies.

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