
Saturday, May 7, 2011

A quick visit from Auntie Stacie and Grandpa.

Jason's dad and sister came into town for a short visit last night, they spent a few hours playing with the trio and meeting Jericho for the first time today.

Lots of fun with family today!

Grandpa and his newest grandson.

Auntie Stacie getting some Jericho snuggles.

Yeah, you can't tell Jason and Stacie are brother and sister LOL.

On another topic...the Multiples and More Question of the week this week is...
What is your favorite thing about being a MoM?

There are so many things I love about it. I love that I get to be a mom of triplets, it is not something that everyone gets to do ya know. Yeah I guess the wee little attention whore in me gets a little kick out of the hubub we create. Above that I love having a big family, I really dream of all of us staying close for the rest of my life, big giant family dinners once a week or so. So Hallmark channel of me I know. Having three at once helped make sure we didn't stop at 2 or 3, so I get my big family. I love that my kids have each other and I hope more than anything they will have a special close bond for the rest of their lives. I love that I have become a better person thanks to my kids.

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