
Friday, May 6, 2011

Really son?!

Xander is a wild boy, I am so clear now why insurance rates are higher for guys...they are nuts! He was very entertaining at least :) He did get Lily in trouble today, I caught them both ripping up a toy. I said "Lily just what do you think you are doing?" Lily looks at me sweetly and said "It's OK Momma, I will clean it up." Then she brought me all the little torn up bits, Xander on the other hand didn't look sorry at all and took off to find something else to destroy.

After baths this morning the girls wanted dresses and bows on.

Lily was making such a fuss over her bow Xander had to steal it and try it out LOL.

Can you tell he had fun dressing himself?

At lunch time Jason heard "help Daddy help" he went into the kitchen and found Xander, still buckled in, walking around the kitchen with the chair and booster on his back LOL.

Right, and I mean right, after we got him rescued from his chair I took him in and set him in his crib for nap time. I didn't zip the crib tent up yet because I still had to bring the girls in and they would want their nap kisses. When I walked back in with Hayden I find my boy like this. He really wants a broken bone I think.

Sweet Jericho, please don't follow in Xander's foot steps...I don't think my heart can take it LOL.

Kisses baby boy :)

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