
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Terrible two's HA...

The closer we get to 3 the more I think 2 wasn't that bad at all LOL. Xander and Hayden are having a really rough time of it, Lily is a little more reasonable but she has her moments too. It was a nice day today so we took them to the park, no good deed goes unpunished I tell ya. They had fun but of course leaving was not pretty.

Lily was loving the teeter totter today.

The trio have started watching out for each's so cute. Lily had an admirer that was getting a little close. She sat down because she is not as agile to run away. You can see Hayden and Xander stopped climbing and were on the way to help Lily with her boy trouble LOL.

Xan was really trying to climb everything without help today.

We went through a little stroll in the woods before heading home.

Jericho enjoyed getting out too.

We put potty training on hold for a day or two. We were not having any luck at all so we are going to break down and buy a kid potty, or two, to keep in the living room until we are making more progress. I really didn't want to have to, after almost 3 years of triple diaper duty the last thing I want to do is now add cleaning a potty to the list, but if it helps get them potty trained then I will suck it up and do it. We will try again once we have a chance to go pick one up. Wish us luck!

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