
Wednesday, June 29, 2011


5 years ago today Jason and I got hitched. It was quite a day, first I thought I lost my ring while getting my make up done, always check your bathrobe pocket people. Then thinking I lost my ID I almost ran late looking for it and had to drive like mad to the chapel. Nothing good ever goes off without some sort of hiccup, well not usually anyway. It's been a great 5 years, seems longer but we dated for 4 years before we got married so that is probably why. Grandma came over and watched the kids for a couple hours while Jason and I went out for dinner. The waiter got a little extra in his tip jar....I got carded :)

Time is just getting away from me, I can not believe 1 year ago today I was pregnant with Jericho getting IV fluids and throwing up my anniversary dinner LOL. And three years ago I was pregnant with the triplets and living in a hospital room on bedrest. Wonder where we will be next year...I can't wait to see :)

I got lovely flowers from Jason, and a great card that was just perfect for us...then he made it even more amazing with his message to me..."Happy 5th babe. At 10 we will do something travely. For now lets enjoy the beautiful life we have built together. I love you, DH" Awwww do I have the best hubby or what?!

Some pics of

On our late honeymoon/1 yr anniversary in Maui.

One from our first year or two of dating....we look so young LOL.

My beautiful flowers and the gift I got Jason. It is a 6 year old Hawaiian Umbrella Bonsai tree with a coiled trunk. The traditional gift for 5 years is wood I guess, hey a tree is wood sort of right? I also loved that it is a Hawaiian tree since that's where we went for our late honeymoon/1 yr anniversary, and thought it was cool that it is an umbrella can stand under my umbrella babe :) Now lets just hope those of us with less than green thumbs do not kill it.

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